If you have not read through the Online Curriculum, please click the link above and read it before continuing.

Before submitting your video, watch at least 5 hours of online instruction through YouTube or other websites taught by professional pickleball players. Take notes of any teaching methods they employ and identify any incorrect form within your own strokes. Note that some opinions of various pros on strategy and technique will vary. Pickleball is a relatively young sport. Make your clients aware that they should not expect to hear the same advice from all pros and instructors in this sport. 


Step 2 Video Skill Submission

Bi-Level Certification - We offer 2 levels of certification namely, Certified Pickleball Instructor and Certified Pro Pickleball Instructor. If you wish to be considered for a Pro level status you must have competed in at least 1 pickleball tournament at the pro level and have at least 1 win in a pro event.

At the start of your skill demonstration video, state your name and which certification you will be applying for. Also state the tournament in which you had a pro level match win if you wish to certify at the pro level. State in your video that you have read the online curriculum. State that you have studied the rules of pickleball for at least 5 hours and done 5 hours of additional instruction through other pickleball websites and/or YouTube. Then video yourself hitting at least 8 out of 10 of the following shots within the court in a series without stopping the video. If you hit less than 8 inside the boundary lines, please start a new video and try again. Submit only the one continuous video in which you are successful hitting at least 8 of the 10 shots within the court without stopping the video. This will require a hitting partner. Vary your shots between going cross-court and down-the-line. Also attempt to hit 5 forehands and 5 backhands for each with the exception of the serve. You can email the video to us if your email will allow sending an email of that size or post the video to YouTube and provide the link in your email. Please send an email with the video attached or the link to daysonmathison@hotmail.com

1. 10 Serves

2. 10 Returns of Serve

3. 10 3rd shot drops

4. 10 Drives

5. 10 Dinks

6. 10 Reflex Volleys

7. 10 Rolling Volleys

8. 10 Speedups at the net after a high bounce

9. 10 Overheads

10. 10 Resets at the net from a Speedup